I Don't Hate You Boy, I Just Wanna Save You While There's Still Something Left To Save
I love love love this skirt. Its a hounds tooth print, pleated, and vintage!! Can you say ah-mazing?!
A classic black and white skirt and tank is always fun. But to make fun I put a bright fusha tank underneath. The best part was that both tanks had a v cut in the back, which mad the whole silhouette more interesting.
Bit of Beauty is a blog I started to connect with others that share the same love for fashion as I do. Texas isn't exactly fashion central of the planet and I take fashion more seriously than most people in my town. Sometimes I feel it’s too small for my humongous love for fashion. My friends and piers idea of high fashion is Ed Hardy tee shits, Ugg boots, and Coach purses. I don't follow trends, I simply wear what I like. And I don't spend alot of mula on my clothes either.
I’ve been drawing and sewing clothes since a very young age. When I graduate high school I plan to attend Parsons to get a fashion degree and later become a buyer, or something of that such, for maybe Nordstrom’s or Sak's Fifth Avenue.
Someone once told me everything that you think is beautiful on God's green earth is just a hit of how beautiful the Lord our God is. I chose this name for my blog because in my eyes fashion is the most beautiful thing on this earth.
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